9th Circuit Court of Appeals Unanimously Blocks Travel Ban

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Unanimously Blocks Travel Ban

Yesterday, justices of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the states of Minnesota and Washington - the plaintiffs in a case ultimately deciding the viability of the Trump Administration's travel ban. With the 3-0 decision, the current freeze on the ban was to remain, opening the door for immigrants from key Muslim nations to enter the United States.

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Pseudo-Protection: The False Narrative of Hostile Immigration in America

Pseudo-Protection: The False Narrative of Hostile Immigration in America

We need to bring some clarity to a situation muddled both by fear-mongering and xenophobia. This cannot be mentioned enough: America is a nation built upon the colossal contributions of immigrants, from its inception to the present. Those from diverse backgrounds have contributed in ways that defy quantification.

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